Auto Loans
Put Yourself In the Driver’s Seat With A Blackstone River Auto Loan
For many, purchasing a new or used automobile can be a stressful situation. Let Blackstone River Federal Credit Union help take some of the stress out of the car buying journey.
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We have access to JD Power new and used car values so you can know what your new car is worth as well as what your trade in is worth.
With a pre-approved auto loan from Blackstone River FCU, buying that new or used vehicle can be quick and easy. That is because we pre-approve you for the amount you need, before you visit the dealership. Your pre-approval is good for 30 days and there is no obligation to buy the vehicle or take the loan.
Also, you need to be comfortable knowing the rate you get is a fair rate for you. The dealer uses many different financial institutions and you don’t necessarily get the best rate, you get who they happen to choose to send your loan too.
If you did finance with another lender, we can always re-finance that loan with us, giving you peace of mind that your loan has a competitive rate and is with a local lender.
GAP Coverage: Gap insurance is a type of auto coverage that car owners can purchase to protect themselves against losses that can arise when the amount of compensation received from a total loss does not fully cover the amount the insured owes on the vehicle’s financing. This situation arises when the balance owed on a car loan is greater than the book value of the vehicle.